ICF Paris International Breakfast Meeting, 16th Oct 2017
ICF Paris Ile de France is very pleased to welcome Patricia Riddell, Professor of Applied Neuroscience, who uses her understanding of...
The Neuroscience of Association and Dissociation
One of the key concepts in NLP is that we can view our own experiences either from an associated perspective (through our own eyes) or a...
Consulting with Dynamic Learning, Dubai
Patricia Riddell is delighted to announce that she is now working as In-House Neuroscience Expert with Dynamic Learning in Dubai. She...
The Trouble with Presentee-ism – The Effect of Inflammation on Decision Making
How often have you found yourself going to work despite feeling ill and knowing that a day in bed might be the sensible thing to do? Do...
New book published today
Gender diversity and cross-cultural, cross-generational working in organisations has led to new challenges for leadership, which many...
Trish Tells Her Story (2012)
Patricia Riddell tells her story and why she believes it is important for everyone to learn about the brain.